Eat Science Art Sweet


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Recycled Celery

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Recycled Celery 
Pin 9

Recycled What?  Yes, that was my first reaction too.  So, I'm interested in recycling and organic food.  One saves me money and the other costs me money.  I saw this concept on pinterest, pinned it, and promptly forgot about it.  Sound familiar.  The next time I was chopping the base off my two expensive organic celery bunches (are they called bunches?)

 I decided to stick them in a small bowl with a little water in the bottom.  I planned on researching that "pin"...yep....that was the plan.....Needless to say, things don't always go as planned.  Please note:  change the water everyday, they will eventually start to root, but if you leave them too long they will start to get mushy (Yuck!)  Yes, mine started to get mushy.  That's when I decided it was an emergency, they had to be planted right away.  So I hoofed it out to the driveway and planted them by moonlight.  Most of my best gardening is done at night.  Don't ask me why.  I don't know.  My neighbors did call the police one time, they thought someone was trying to break in.  Nope, just me, my head lamp, and wheelbarrow.  The police officer did ask to see my husband.  Ha, just making sure he was okay, I guess. 

first day
I did have to scramble to figure out what to plant them in.  Luckily someone gave me a gift card to Starbucks and since I don't drink coffee, I had purchased two tins of tea.  I had been fretting over what to do with these tins.  Poked a couple holes in the bottom and two cute planters were born. Fortunately I had purchased some organic soil previously.  

Very excited to watch them grow!  Thanks to 17 apart for posting so many great tutorials!